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Preventing Health: Do not wait for a disease - go for a check!

Medical statistics say that those of us who regularly give visits to doctors live longer. What are the chances of retiring a healthy person? 50% depends on external factors, the state of the environment and the way of life, and 50% depends on habits and regular preventive examinations.

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Allergic conjunctivitis
Allergic conjunctivitis is an allergic inflammation of the eye mucosa. Allergic conjunctivitis affects approximately 15% of the total population.
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Blepharoplasty (eyelid plastic) is a surgical procedure that aims to eliminate excess skin and hernia of upper and lower eyelids.
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Child’s high temperature
A child's fever often catches his parents unawares. When the baby becomes weak and hot, he climbs to his mother's lap and presses to his chest, all the methods of first aid are eroded from the head.
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Chickenpox (chicken pox) is a highly infectious acute infectious disease that occurs with a characteristic blistering rash. Children who visit kindergarten or school are more often ill - places with a large number of people.
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Adenoids: no operation is indispensable
Adenoids are the formation of lymphoid tissue, which forms the basis of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. The nasopharyngeal tonsil is located in the nasopharynx, therefore at usual survey of a pharynx of this fabric it is not visible.
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Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease is often in a conversation it is not quite rightly called senile senility - is just one of the varieties of senile, or senile psychosis.
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For sure, each of us at least once in his life suffered from insomnia (insomnia). Perhaps it was the night before the exam or before an important meeting, when you tried to go to bed early and get a good night's sleep.
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Stress is a state of mental stress that occurs in a person under difficult conditions or under certain circumstances. Any stress is associated with adaptation mechanisms.
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Heart blockade
The term "heart rhythm disturbances" is understood as arrhythmias and heart blockages. Arrhythmias are violations of frequency, regularity and consistency of cardiac contractions.
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Arterial hypotension
This phenomenon is already a physiological explanation. After eating, a number of people have a decrease in blood pressure, why they feel drowsiness.
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It is known that with each heart stroke there is a consistent reduction in its parts - first atria, and then ventricles. Abbreviations follow one another at regular intervals.
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Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A is called another Botkin's disease. It is considered the most favorable form of hepatitis, since it has no serious consequences.
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Gastritis and gastroduodenitis
Most students know about gastritis. Power in the dry, hassle in the exams, and that's the logical result.
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"Your biopsy is sent for histological analysis," - a phrase familiar to many of us. What is behind it? A biopsy is a tiny particle of tissue taken by a doctor from a "suspect" place, for example, a tumor, a polyp, which does not heal the sores for a long time.
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Animal Allergy
Some of the most common allergens are animal allergens. Their source is both domestic and farm animals.
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Allergies at home
Allergy is an increased sensitivity to various substances, manifested by unusual reactions in contact with them. Almost everything that surrounds us can become an allergen. Even if you disappeared at home from spring pollen, this does not mean that you ran away from allergies.
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