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Child’s high temperature

Child’s high temperature

A child's fever often catches his parents unawares. When the baby becomes weak and hot, he climbs to his mother's lap and presses to his chest, all the methods of first aid are eroded from the head. Mom begins to rush staggering about the apartment, call "knowledgeable people" and frantically rummage in medical books on children's health.

Therefore, it is better to always have at hand a memo on first aid to a child with a high fever.

  • If the temperature does not exceed 38 ° C, and the child normally tolerates it, then antipyretics should not be given. The fact is that at an elevated temperature the body is more effective in fighting infection, so, without special need, it should not be knocked down. Exceptions are those cases when a child suffers from a neurological disease (is on the account of a neurologist) or simply suffers a severe temperature - then it is necessary to give antipyretics starting at 37.5 ° C.

  • If the temperature rises above 38 ° C, give the child antipyretic recommended by the doctor (Children's Panadol, Efferalgan, Nurofen). For very young children it is better to use a medicine in candles, older children can be given a drug in the form of a syrup. Do not use aspirin in any case! Aspirin in viral infection (in children under 12 years old) can cause a dangerous complication - Ray's syndrome.

  • Be sure to call a doctor to determine the cause of the temperature rise. Observe the symptoms that accompany a fever - a runny nose, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, headache, abdominal pain, rash, etc.

  • If the baby has convulsions or the temperature exceeds 40 ° С, immediately call for an ambulance, and before her arrival give the child an antipyretic.

  • Try to put the child in bed. Read him an interesting book, watch cartoons, play in quiet games. Although the best thing is for the baby to sleep, rest, gain strength.

  • It is recommended to feed a sick kid easily digestible food. Temporarily exclude from the diet meat (especially fried), fatty, sweet and canned food.

  • Drink a lot of the child - then the body "washed out" toxins, formed during the life of the virus. Best of all - a warm tea with lemon, raspberries, warm milk with honey (if it is not allergic). Very useful are fruit drinks, compotes, juices, containing vitamin C. Also suitable is mineral water, herbal tea, fruit teas.

  • Regularly ventilate the room and, if possible, moisten the air. To this end, you can put a 3-liter jar of water in the room and hang a wet towel. The air temperature should not exceed 20-21 degrees.

  • It is not necessary to put on the child "one hundred clothes" and over-wrap it. These measures can lead to a thermal shock if the temperature rises to a dangerous level. Give child light clothes, cover with a diaper or a light blanket, so that excess heat will flow unhindered.

  • Do not wipe the child with vinegar, alcohol or cover with cold heaters. Alcohol is very well absorbed through the skin and can cause poisoning of the child's body.

  • If the fever lasts more than 3-4 days after the start of treatment, you must call the doctor again to adjust the treatment.

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