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Preventing Health: Do not wait for a disease - go for a check!

Preventing Health: Do not wait for a disease - go for a check!

Medical statistics say that those of us who regularly give visits to doctors live longer.

What are the chances of retiring a healthy person? 50% depends on external factors, the state of the environment and the way of life, and 50% depends on habits and regular preventive examinations.

Often we ask ourselves: "Why take a survey, when nothing bothers you?". The answer is simple: "For good health and did not fail us further." But any disease first manifests itself at the biochemical and cellular level, and only then it is open.

First: we must necessarily go to the doctor, take tests.

Visit the oncologist's doctor. It is very important for people from 40 years of age to visit this specialist. He suggests that it is necessary to pass tests for the detection of ovarian cancer and prostate cancer, will help assess the risk of developing these diseases, which are leading in the list of oncological diseases.

Visit the endocrinologist. Out of 100 people, 5-6 suffer from diabetes mellitus, and only 3 each know that they are sick. This is due to the fact that diabetes is asymptomatic for 5-10 years, it can lead to irreversible consequences, like blindness and vascular pathology.

Visit a cardiologist. Controlling the level of cholesterol will prevent atherosclerosis. He is dangerous because he causes a heart attack and stroke. Excess cholesterol is deposited in the arteries, narrowing their lumen and complicating the flow of blood into the organs and tissues. Just pass the ECG. ECG allows you to monitor the heart: is the rhythm, blood flow, whether there are threats of a heart attack. Those who take ECG once a year are 3-4 times less likely to get into the hospital with this diagnosis, because they use methods of prevention.

Take a fluorography. With the help of this type of diagnosis you can make sure: if the lungs are in order, in the absence of cancer and tuberculosis. The first threatens smokers, and the second is not insured by anyone. It is recommended to spend every two years, if necessary, and once a year.

The network of medical centers "Medicare" is represented in many cities of Kazakhstan. Visit you can experts from all directions. With specialists you can read HERE.

You can make an appointment by calling a single contact center in Kazakhstan: 8-800-080-76-76.

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