LLP “Mediker” joins the UN Global Compact
LLP “Mediker” (hereinafter referred to as the Company) announces that it has officially become a full member of the United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact).
UN Global Compact (also known as the "Business International Responsibility Compact") is an initiative created by the United Nations that urges the business community to take responsibility for their impacts on the economy, society and the environment.
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Mediker at the International Hospital Federation (IHF) World Hospital Congress 2022
The World Hospital Congress of the International Hospital Federation (IHF) dates back to 1929, when it was first held in Atlantic City, USA as a biennial event. Since 2015 it has been held annually across the globe.
The Congress is a unique global forum that brings together IHF members and leaders of hospitals, health services, and healthcare organizations to discuss key drivers of national and international policy, management, financial trends and solutions. Through this forum multidisciplinary exchange of knowledge, expertise and experiences are facilitated, together with dialogue on best practices in leadership, management and service delivery.
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Mediker-Pediatrics gives gifts
To all patients who came for circumcision (removal of the foreskin), we give a ticket to an interactive fairy tale held at the «KidBurg» entertainment center, Abu Dhabi Plaza. And the operation is performed by an experienced pediatric surgeon, PhD doctor, assistant of the Department of "Pediatric Surgery" at the Astana Medical University Khamitov Medet Kushirbayevich.
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20 years for MEDIKER
Today is a big holiday and important date – 20 years for our MEDIKER. 20-year jubilee is a big period with multi-year experience, reputation and popularity of successful medical network, which is one of the biggest ones in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
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MEDIKER Group expresses its deepest condolences to the General Director of MEDIKER INDUSTRIAL Lukmanov Arman Tleuzhanovich, in connection with the irreparable loss - the loss of his father.
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